4 Unique And Intuitive Approaches To Create Designs That Makes An Impact

Last Updated on
August 24, 2023
Written by
Logan Buignet

How To Develop Your Eyes Using Your Surroundings For Better Designs?

Notice What’s Around You:

Every designer has intuition and this article is not about teaching people to have it but it is a matter of training yourself, maybe, to be more aware of it. And if you are able to understand it and use it the right way, it can become really powerful as designs did, can, and will continue to have an impact on our world. 

The first approach to create designs that I want to share with you is to be aware of what’s around you and notice details. It could be that you are walking in the street and see the sun reflecting on a bench, creating that “never seen” shadow. Or it can simply be the lines of a wooden floor. Whatever it is, you want to pay attention to it as it can give you new and unique ideas for your next design. 

The key point I want to share in this section is to not be neutral. Instead, you probably want to get away from that conservative technique and combine things that you usually don’t feel comfortable doing. 

We live in a world where we all take our phones everywhere. We sometimes forget our car keys, but not our phones. That’s how important phones are to us in 2021.

So why not use what these great devices can do for your next design work?

Take pictures, more pictures, and even more because you’ll never get enough.

Then put them up on any design software or print them out.

Besides doing this, you should also be looking into magasins, ripping sections of pages. Maybe there is this one letter that is intriguing, or this one color, or shape. Whatever you find interesting, is also a good opportunity to put on top of your pill.

Once you’ve done all of that, use creative thinking, combine everything and start trusting your brain and skills. See what feeling you are getting from the colors, shapes, and images and start creating multiple pieces of art.

What I have noticed is that this approach works obviously for graphic designers but also for web designers so please use it at its best.

How Typography Can Be Used To Send A Powerful Message?

Typography had become such an important element these days in both Graphic Design and Web Design which is why I want to a few approaches when it comes to it.

Many people see typography as a word, simply read it, and then go on to the next one. But what I want to share with you here is that typography can convey a feeling. 

I’m sure you’ve heard the following, and if you haven’t there it is; “a word is an image”. After you see it that way and play with it, you’ll notice why typography is such a powerful tool. 

So whenever you need to choose a font for a client (or for your personal project), you need to understand the meaning behind each font. They all of their own message and you need to decide as a designer which one will work best with the project you are currently working on.

Some fonts communicate stability, some seem fragile, loud, elegant, or even serious. 

So choosing the correct typography becomes a really important part of the designing process. 

Depending on the client you are designing for, if you have more flexibilities, I would recommend to not use fonts that are too popular, too forgettable.  

You can feel free to combine multiple fonts together if that feels right for you. If you think that it can make your work unique. Sometimes it can be changing the font of 1 letter, modifying its weight, or turning it upside down, space it up. Or you know what? Sometimes all of them!

Then comes colors to reinforce the message and as you know, each color has a meaning and note that NOT every color is a good color but that there are some bad ones.

And be creative, maybe sometimes you’ll need to type the color “Orange”, so write “orange” in blue. Don’t be simple.

How To Design A Logo That Makes An Impact By Using A Different Perspective?

Just like we said for typography, a logo is an image. It is something we want to recognize from a distance. Something you want people to put on their hat, their shirt etc.. that is noticeable and memorable. 

If you want to create an amazing logo, you can’t be too literal because too literal is boring.

Let’s say you have to design a logo for a coffee shop. Well… you could design a logo of a coffee cup. But that will probably make people think that this coffee shop is just like any other one. 

Let me help you here…

Maybe there is a more interesting angle to take from that coffee cup? Or what is the coffee cup seeing? What if you’re looking down at the cup, or come inside? And what about the coffee machine over there?

By using this approach to create logo designs, you will create a new reaction from people. Now people might think that this coffee shop is different and that it is worth checking out.

Now, when it comes to showing your logo to clients, make sure to display in front of them a lot of options, even the ones you think are bad. The reason is that it might be bad for someone but good for someone else as long as you see potential in it.

Then discuss it, and ask questions. There is no right or wrong answer, nor stupid questions.

How do they feel about it? What message do they get from it? Is it positive? Is it negative? Is it too aggressive? Soft? And this list of questions can go on and on, but you want to listen to their answer. Notice I’ve underlined and put the word “listen” in bold because I don’t want you to get confused between the word “listen” and “trust”.

It is important to hear what they have to say. They will probably have some good comments but also some comments you totally disagree with, which is fine. Design is also a matter of perspective. It can’t please everybody — And that’s the whole fun of it.

How To Design For Clients And Put Yourself In The Perfect Position?

Whenever you design for clients, you want to create something that works for them and that you are still happy with as a designer, so it’s a win for both sides.

As a designer, in order to set yourself in the perfect position to create a great design, you need to start with a brief.

And again, it is about asking the right questions:

What did you agree on? What are they trying to say benefits of their products? Who are their clients? That will get the wheel spinning 

History of the company? Previous work, previous logos, previous branding, competitors? How can you improve on that? Demographic? Then once you have these elements, let your brain work, and push beyond expectations.

Last but not least, explain your design decisions — 

You always want to backup your decisions, and take the time to communicate why you think you’ve made that choice. Is it because that color represente happiness? Or that typo thickness make your design scariest? Whatever it can be, make sure to share it with you client. 

Then, don’t present to your client only 1 option, but instead, come up with many. 

First reason why: your client will appreciate the time you’ve spent working on the project.

Second reason why: he or she will have many options to choose from which will help you get where you need to be.

I would usually recommend at least 3 options. One that is what I call a “safe design”, a second one that is crazier and adventurous, and a last one which will range in the middle.

And let’s say you come across a client that is quite conservative and does not like too much craziness, you can always take a simple font and use it in a way that somebody else wouldn’t. 

That’s the challenge and the fun part of designing And that is your power as a design!

Tip for Designer: Limit distractions — Isolate yourself and concentrate. When you get in the designing mode, cut your phone, notifications, be focused and trust yourself.
Executive Summary:

I really hope that these intuitive approaches to create design will help you make a difference in this world.

Again, the first approach was to "Develop Your Eyes Using Your Surroundings For Better Designs", the second one was about "How Typography Can Be Used To Send A Powerful Message", the third one was on "How To Design A Logo That Makes An Impact By Using A Different Perspective" and finally "How To Design For Clients And Put Yourself In The Perfect Position For Your Designs".

I've used these intuitive approaches for web designs as well as graphic designs and it helped me develop my ideas and create designs that were beyond my expectations.