What Is Video SEO (VSEO)?

In an age where video content dominates the digital landscape, ensuring your videos are discoverable is key. This is where Video SEO steps in as the guiding light for content creators and businesses alike. But what exactly is Video SEO, and why is it so important? Video SEO involves the process of enhancing your video's visibility on search engine result pages by optimizing it for specific keywords. In this short guide, we'll delve into the world of Video SEO to unravel its significance, techniques, and the impact it can have on your online presence. Let's see how you can optimize your video content to rank higher, attract more viewers, and ultimately, achieve your online goals.

rank video SEO

What Are The Best Strategies For Video SEO?

#1 Choose the right hosting platform

When you're deciding on the video hosting platform that's right for you, it's important to ask yourself what is your ultimate goal. Are you aiming to optimize your video for the purpose of increasing website traffic and generating new leads? Or is your primary goal centered around establishing yourself as a thought leader and enhancing brand recognition?

If your primary goal is building general brand awareness rather than driving traffic to your website, platforms like YouTube and Vimeo may be worth considering. The reason why is because once your video is indexed, the majority of traffic is most likely to stay on these platforms rather than going to your own website. Another element to keep in mind is regarding the suggested videos that appear at the end of Youtube videos which will encourage viewers to watch your competitors videos instead of going to your website.

Now, if your main focus is to increase conversion and on-site traffic, it's advisable to explore alternative hosting platforms that support this capability. For instance, Wistia automatically includes SEO metadata to enhance your chances of being indexed."

#2 Insert Video Transcripts

Transcripts make your video content accessible to a broader audience, including those with hearing impairments or non-native speakers who may prefer reading the content. This inclusivity is not only ethical but also essential for compliance with accessibility regulations.

Search engines like Google rely on text to understand and rank content. By providing a transcript, you make it easier for search engines to crawl and index the content of your video. This can significantly improve the chances of your video appearing in search results for relevant keywords.

Transcripts allow you to include keywords and phrases that are relevant to your video content. This helps search engines better associate your video with specific search queries and increases the likelihood of ranking for those terms.

#3 Create Engaging Thumbnail Images

A compelling thumbnail image can significantly increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your video. When your thumbnail stands out and piques viewers' curiosity, they are more likely to click on your video, increasing its views and engagement.

On platforms like YouTube, the thumbnail is often the first thing users see when browsing search results. An eye-catching thumbnail can help your video stand out among the competition, making it more likely to be clicked and viewed. Many users browse videos on mobile devices, where thumbnails are especially crucial due to limited screen space. A clear, appealing thumbnail ensures that your video doesn't get lost in the smaller visual real estate of mobile screens.

#4 Pay Attention to the Title and Description of Your Video

By including relevant keywords in your title and description, you signal to search engines what your video is about. This increases the chances of your video ranking for those keywords, driving targeted traffic to your content.

An accurately descriptive title and description set clear expectations for viewers. When users find what they were looking for in your video, they are more likely to engage with it, reducing bounce rates and improving user satisfaction, which can positively impact your SEO rankings.

When sharing your video on social media or other platforms, the title and description are the second elements users see (after the thumbnail). Make sure to ask yourself if the title and description is interesting, captivating, and convincing enough so people would click on it.

Curious About On-Page & Off-Page SEO?

We have written a complete guide explaining how to increase website Google SEO ranking using on-page SEO and off-page SEO. In it, we cover:

  • On-Page Optimization Techniques (keyword research and targeting, headings, title tags, video optimization, meta descriptions, alt-texts, URL structure, content optimization, image optimization, internal linking, responsive and mobile-friendly design, and page loading speed).
  • Off-Page Optimization Techniques (guest blogging, social media promotion, influencer collaboration, content syndication, blogger outreach, online communities and forums, blog commenting, build backlinks, online networking, and monitor brand mentions).