Top Tricks To Boost Your Cold Outreach Strategy Quick

Last Updated on
May 16, 2023
Written by
Logan Buignet

Top Tricks To Boost Your Cold Outreach Strategy Quick

Alright, now that we know which social media platform is best for cold outreach, you have watched my video training where I share my most converting message, and you know what to say in your video audit, it’s time to reinforce your outreach.

And we are going to do this by covering 3 main parts

Table Of Contents:

  1. Secrets Behind A Strong And Smart Portfolio
  2. Website Design Mockups Strategy
  3. How To Handle Sales Objections

1. Secrets Behind A Strong And Smart Portfolio

There are many ways to display your portfolio, and I won't be (in this post) going to detail how to design it. Therefore, what I want to discuss is what should be included in it, so whenever you have to show it to potential clients, it can be powerful.

For that, you need to be ready to build a strong and smart portfolio page that will impress your potential clients. I have seen many people overlook this step and think they could get around it with a "basic" portfolio, and even though you could get people not looking at it, by doing this…

After comparing results, I can confidently say, a smart portfolio works 12x better than a basic one…


Because they not only give you the space to explain your own designs if you have to, but it also gives your target audience an opportunity to see pages you have created for their exact industry...

Boost Cold Outreach Process for web designers - Creadiz

In our previous post, we talked about researching your target industry to know how to communicate with them, but it will also help us understand how to build a site for that chosen industry.

So in your portfolio, you must display a link of website or a landing page that you built that contains all the elements needed for that specific industry. So, whenever potential clients are asking to see your work, you can show them something they can relate to. Always make sure that your website loads fast (under 500ms), that it is optimized and modern. If you are not sure which platform is best for web designers, I suggest that you read the last post of this series of posts because I'm sharing with you the exact tool I use for that.

Now, let’s say your target industry is Fitness. Well, it wouldn't make sense to have a wine store, a mortgage broker, or a lawyer website on your portfolio, right?

Instead, build a landing page for a personal trainer, one for nutrition, or it can also be an e-Commerce store for gym clothes, for instance. I’m sure you get the idea. 

Now that I mentioned the most crucial information you need to display on your portfolio before you reach out to your target industry, let's talk about how to reinforce your outreach, so people start loving you.

2. Website Design Mockups Strategy

Creating mock-ups on software like Sketch, Figma, Adobe xD is also super important for multiple reasons.

First, it gives a static representation of what a website could look like, and it takes less time to build than a regular page.

Second, it is excellent whenever potential clients are showing some interest, and you design a free mockup for them before a phone call, for instance. That way, it shows that you are taking their project seriously, and you basically make them dream before even selling them anything. Feel free to create it for both desktop (laptop), and mobile.

On top of that, if you end up working with them, you already have the website laid out, and you just have to put it together online. It saves you tons of time.

On the other hand, if they decide not to move forward with your offer, you can always use that design mockup and display it on your personal website, on your Instagram feed, Linkedin, Facebook, etc. to show the world your latest design works.

In both scenarios, you are moving forward by building a mockup for a person you think can become a potential client.

If you have never built a design mockup or don't necessarily know how to display it professionally, please feel free to check out how I do it and learn about my design secrets process.

3. How To Handle Sales Objections

Alright, now that we have a strong portfolio, it’s time to get ready for some potential objections before you even jump into a call.


As you may know, there are different ways to answer questions, but I want to share with you a few tricks that have been working best for me for the past few years.

Let's say you reach out to someone who is not entirely up for the challenge and is not convinced about getting a new website because they tell you that they acquire "Most of their clients from referrals."

In that situation, you could engage the conversation by asking if they think they have not LOST potential referrals with their current set-up. People don't like the idea of losing something so by using this strategy, you will make them question themself. 

You can even follow your argument by making them visualize their website fully customized, clean, modern, and appealing with the right calls to action and ask them if they think all of these points you just mentioned could increase their number of clients these coming years?

The only reason you would want to tell them that, is to have them think for a second, and agree with you. In my sales process course, I discuss other ways to handle it by appealing to their sense of fairness.

Now, the second objection I would like to share is obviously concerning custom web design pricing, and you’ll get people telling you that your price is above their budget.

If that happens, that is most likely your fault…. YOU did not convey enough trust before they asked for the cost...

One way to handle it is to make them understand you are their ONLY solution at that price while showing them that what you offer is fair. 

People love to be treated fairly. Some people will purposefully take a bad deal if they feel they were treated fairly.

If you want to know even more in-depth how I handle these types of situations, click here.

To recap: 

  1. Now that we know what to have in our smart portfolio, it’s time to create it on one of the most powerful tools. I’ll show you what it is and how to get started with it in the next blog post.

  1. We talked about mockups and saw how important it could be. It is okay to create many of them just to practice because, at the same time, it gives you new ideas of layouts for your next projects.


  1. It never hurts to have some scripts ready with answers on potential objections to make sure your sales call flow well. You wouldn’t want to freeze on some crucial moments.

In the next post, I'll be talking about The Best Design Builder To Sell 5-Figures Websites which is I'm sure the moment you have been waiting for so go check it out :)